Suncheon Art Wall
Suncheon Art Platform
International Competition
Suncheon, South Korea
With Kangil Ji, Yongjun Cho, Eujin Julia Kim, Namjoo Kim
We designed the Suncheon Art Wall as a response to the cultural history of the city and as a peripheral intervention, a new boundary between city and museum. The new Art Wall design is not about separating or differentiating, but about connecting and linking edge conditions, experiences, and time. The proposed art museum acts as a spatial connection, an active mediator between different urban spaces. The peripheral intervention we propose is an experiential connection between daily activities and art experiences. Lastly, we consider temporal connections between different time periods of Suncheon history. We propose neutral settings that embrace both the historical remains and future changes.​
We designed the Suncheon Art Wall as a response to the cultural history of the city and as a peripheral intervention, a new boundary between city and art museum. The new Art Wall design is not about separating or differentiating, but about connecting and linking edge conditions, experiences, and time periods. The proposed art museum acts as a spatial connection, an active mediator between different urban spaces. The peripheral intervention we propose is an experiential connection between daily activities and art experiences. Lastly, we consider temporal connections between different time periods of Suncheon history. We propose neutral settings that embrace both the historical remains and future changes.​