Surphur Well Healthy City
Urban Land Institute Gerald D.Hines
Urban Design Competition
Location : Nashville, USA
Design Period :January 2014
Design Team: Jinhyun Jun, Minkyung Song, Aaron Locke, Yi Tu
Anchored by the development of the new Sounds baseball stadium, the Sulphur Dell redevelopment plan is concentrated along three corridors between the ballpark and the Cumberland River. Third Street remainsa main traffic artery while retail stores are concentrated along Second Ave, and First Ave is sculpted into a pedestrian and bike throughway. Hotel and Office uses are concentrated to the south towards Capitol Hill while residential units occupy the new waterfront greenway.
The plan aims to create a healthy downtown urban district by unifying urban space, nature, economics and community. Series of public spaces along 2nd Avenue forms a dynamic corridor from downtown to the north. A well-designed ecological landscape network with wetlands and rain-gardens will celebrate a Low Impact
Development. New residential and office space willgenerates a dynamic down town real estate market. Diverse urban space and well-designed pedestrian and bicycle path will bring more people to the open space.
By taking advantage of the existing bike path, we propose tributaries to mitigate flood issue. This bioswale (rain garden) is composed of community farm, coniferous tree grove and shrubs. Also, along the linear path, there are jogging and biking tracks with diverse sports facilities.